BigCommerce for WordPress v3.17

by | Apr 21, 2020 | 0 comments

BigCommerce for WordPress v3.17

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Free Wordpress Plugins | 0 comments

Review the changes in the latest release of BigCommerce for WordPress, v3.17. Highlights in this video are:
* Continue Shopping Link Destination Now Editable
* Routing Information Now Visible in WordPress
* TwentyTwenty Theme Updates added so BC4WP fits well
* Category and Brand Slugs can now be edited
* Image Galleries can have larger images
* Product images can have Zoom turned on

Get Started:

BigCommerce for WordPress is a free plugin that lets you use BigCommerce to power your site’s backend commerce needs and WordPress for your site’s design and content. This headless solution delivers both advanced commerce functionality and design customization freedom by allowing each platform to do what it does best.

Video Summary:
TwentyTwenty Theme Updates (0:15)
Edit Empty Cart destination (0:45)
Fixed Settings Page display bug (1:04)
Fixed Product Sync Frequency order in Settings Page (1:16)
Fixed API connection when WordPress URL is changed (1:32)
Options to Enable or Disable webhooks (1:53)
Fixed issue with Cart failure on Pantheon (2:39)
Fixed Cart failure issue when product quantity set to zero (2:57)
Category and Brand slug editing (3:16)
Larger images in product galleries (4:03)
Zoom enabled on Product Singles (4:43)
Category descriptions allow more HTML (5:12)

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