Digital Advertising Tutorials – Google AdWords Tutorial 2018: How To Set Up A Google AdWords Account From Scratch

by | Mar 5, 2022 | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials – Google AdWords Tutorial 2018: How To Set Up A Google AdWords Account From Scratch

by | Mar 5, 2022 | Digital Advertising | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials

Some of the best digital advertising tutorials online.

Step-By-Step Google Adwords set up and how to create your first AdWords campaign, ad group and ad copy using the new Google AdWords 2018 interface.

Sean from Vixen Digital takes us through setting up an Adwords account for the very first time. This tutorial is ideal for AdWords beginners or for people who want to become more familiar with the new 2018 Google AdWords interface.

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Credit to original author (click on youtube video for more info).