WordPress auto updates plugins | Canonical Chronicle

by | Mar 21, 2020 | 0 comments

WordPress auto updates plugins | Canonical Chronicle

by | Mar 21, 2020 | Free Wordpress Plugins | 0 comments

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Wordpress makes some much requested changes to fix hacked plugins and you can now install plugins and have them automatically update. GMB has released a statement saying that due to the Covid-19 pandemic things are going to be a little more delayed than usual. This week, John Muller gave us some additional clarity to how we should be thinking about page layout and tells us that Google doesn’t use W3C validation.

0:42 WordPress auto updates plugins
1:42 Google ads and GMB support will be delayed
2:55 Google clarifies the page layout algorithm
3:48 Google doesn’t use W3C validation

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I’m Ross Tavendale, the managing director of Type A Media, a creative search agency based in London. I make videos about business leadership, web technology, SEO, PPC and how I turned being a Type A personality into a business.


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