[24/06 16:57] +92 310 4995487: *Join this group for the preparation of CSS/PMS/General knowledge one paper Ppsc/ for “Lecturer seats”.*
گروپ میں کسی دوست کو شامل کروانا چاہتے ہیں تو نیچے دئیے گے *لنک* پر *کلک* کروائیں..
** In case the group is full, you can contact to group admin’s Whatsapp id:
*(Maaz Anwar)*
[24/06 16:58] +92 310 4995487: *PMS/CSS/PPSc Group*
Hello Boys keeping all standpoints in view this is special group which is created by *MAAZ ANWAR*. He is well-known mentor guiding, preparing, polishing students for their bright future, directing them right path by providing guidelines for intellectual and moral improvements of the aspirants by online coaching. From this platform he share notes, study material, motivational posts/videos, lectures, essay writing tips, newspaper, articles, quotes, valuable documents, vocabulary, grammar correction, idioms, succinct messages highlighting main events of Pakistani history, Islamic studies. So don’t miss this opportunity to save your bright future.You are free to ask questions with the group Admin *MAAZ ANWAR*
Kindly share this group link on your social active accounts with others.
For more detail guidance, you can contact on this number.
*Maaz Anwar* ( for boys)
[24/06 16:58] +92 310 4995487: *Join this group for the preparation of CSS/PMS/General knowledge one paper Ppsc/ for “Lecturer seats”.*
لڑکیوں کے لئے ایک علیحدہ گروپ ہے-
گروپ میں کسی دوست کو شامل کروانا چاہتے ہیں تو نیچے دئیے گے *لنک* پر *کلک* کروائیں..
**In case the group is full, you can contact to the group admin’s Whatsapp id:
*(Maaz Anwar)*
[24/06 16:58] +92 310 4995487: *PMS/CSS/PPSc Group*
Dear Girls keeping all standpoints in view this is special group which is created by *MAAZ ANWAR*. He is well-known mentor guiding, preparing, polishing students for their bright future, directing them right path by providing guidelines for intellectual and moral improvements of the aspirants by online coaching. From this platform he share notes, study material, motivational posts/videos, lectures, essay writing tips, newspaper, articles, quotes, valuable documents, vocabulary, grammar correction, idioms, succinct messages highlighting main events of Pakistani history, Islamic studies. So don’t miss this opportunity to save your bright future.You are free to ask questions with the group Admin *MAAZ ANWAR*
Kindly share this group link on your social active accounts with others.
For more detail guidance, you can contact on this number.
*Maaz Anwar*