Welcome to Hassle-Free WordPress Hosting

Elevate Your Web Presence with Expertise and Simplicity.
We manage and host your wordpress site completely.
Trusted by over 300 Canadian business owners.

Are you tired of the complexities of managing your own website hosting?

Let us take the reins while you focus on what matters most – your business.

With over two decades of experience in web design and development, our boutique agency brings you Affordable, Managed WordPress Hosting that seamlessly blends reliability, expertise, and affordability.

Only $500 CAD per year.
No long term contracts.
You still OWN your website.

Suggested retail price: $7,829.10 annually (click here to see our competitors pricing, we’re that transparent)

What Sets Us Apart

Uptime Monitoring and Break/Fixes
Say goodbye to downtime worries. Our vigilant monitoring ensures your website is always up and running. In the rare event of an issue, our team is on standby for immediate resolution.
Monthly Off-site Backups
Rest easy knowing your data is safeguarded. We perform regular off-site backups, providing you with a safety net in case of unforeseen circumstances.
Complete WordPress Hosting Management
From installation to optimization, we handle it all. Focus on your content while we manage the technical intricacies of your WordPress hosting.
Bi-weekly WordPress Core and Plugin Updates
Stay ahead with the latest features and security patches. Our regular updates keep your WordPress site running smoothly and securely.
Free Backup Restoration Due to Major Issues
Mistakes happen. If a major issue arises, we’ve got your back. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with complimentary backup restoration.
Content Distribution Network (CDN) for Optimized Site Speed
Deliver a lightning-fast user experience with our integrated CDN. Your content is distributed across multiple servers worldwide, ensuring quick and reliable access for your visitors.
Troubleshooting Major Incidents or Problems
Rest assured, we’re here when you need us the most. Our team is ready to troubleshoot and resolve any major incidents or problems that may arise.
Discounted Development Rate for Existing Clients
As a valued client, enjoy exclusive benefits. Need updates or enhancements? Our existing clients benefit from a discounted development rate.
Your Website, Your Ownership, No Long-Term Contracts
Maintain control and ownership of your site without the headaches of managing hosting. Our Affordable, Managed WordPress Hosting comes with the flexibility of no long-term contracts.
Free Support with DNS and Related Infrastructure Components
Navigating the technical side of hosting can be daunting. Our support extends beyond WordPress – we assist with DNS and related infrastructure components at no extra cost.

Ready to Experience Effortless Hosting?

Unlock the potential of your website with hosting that prioritizes simplicity, reliability, and your peace of mind. Our team is here to support your online journey every step of the way.

Our Managed Hosting Includes

Feature Our Managed WordPress Hosting Traditional Web Hosting Services
WordPress Optimization Server environment optimized specifically for WordPress You do this yourself.
Automatic Updates Automated updates for WordPress core, plugins, and themes You do this yourself.
Security Measures Enhanced security protocols tailored for WordPress You do this yourself.
Performance Optimization Fine-tuned for optimal WordPress speed and responsiveness General server performance;.
Scalability Easily scalable with resources allocated dynamically You do this yourself.
Regular Backups Automated, scheduled backups with easy restore options You do this yourself.
CDN Integration Integrated content delivery network for faster global access You do this yourself.
Caching Optimization Built-in caching mechanisms for improved site performance You do this yourself.
Restoration from Backup at No Cost Free restoration from backup with minimal downtime You do this yourself.
Senior Technical Support Direct access to senior technical support You do this yourself.
Account Management You never worry about dealing with your web host again You do this yourself.
Dedicated WordPress Support Specialized assistance for WordPress-related issues Generic hosting support.
Extended Tech Team Access to a larger technical team for complex issues Limited technical resources; may require third-party assistance
Uptime Guarantee High uptime commitment with dedicated WordPress monitoring Uptime guarantees vary, may not be specifically for WordPress
Server Management Fully managed WordPress environment for hassle-free hosting General server management.
Customization Options Limited server-level access to ensure stability You do this yourself.
Inclusive Services Additional services like caching, CDN, and staging included You do this yourself.
Website Launch or Migration Included in our managed service price at no cost You do this yourself.
Cost-Effectiveness Higher upfront cost, but potential savings on maintenance Lower upfront cost, but additional costs for premium features
DNS Management We manage your domain’s DNS and make changes at no cost You make DNS changes yourself
Working with your IT Support We work with your IT Department or Provider at no extra cost You work with your IT provider. Your host will not
Google Search Console, Tag Manager, and Analytics Setup We implement and setup at no additional charge. You do this yourself.
Monthly Custom Analytics Reporting (Website Performance Reports) We implement, setup and send monthly. You do this yourself.
Up to 2 hours of web development monthly Included for break\fix, and urgent updates.. You have to hire someone. Minimum of $100 – $250.
Pricing $500 CAD per year Average between $263 – $600 year
Minimum $5,000 per year to include all features.
Company Name Location Website Managed Care Plan Cost Annually
Barrel Roll Canada https://gobarrelroll.com/ $4,128
WP Fuel Canada https://wordpresscareplans.ca/ $3,588
WP Assist Canada https://www.wpassist.ca/ $4788
Market2all Canada https://www.market2all.com/ $1380
Juanrojo design Canada https://juanrojodesign.com/wordpress-maintenance-plans/ $3600
Wordpress Care plans Ca Canada https://wordpresscareplans.ca/#price-plans $3601
Jucra Canada https://www.jucra.com/web-design/website-care-plans/ $2988
wpwebinfotec Canada https://wpwebinfotech.com/wordpress-website-maintenance-packages/#Packages $17988
wpsupporters https://www.wpsupporters.com/wordpress-maintenance-services/ $3552
wpsupportspecialists https://www.wpsupportspecialists.com/wordpress-maintenance/ $4140
webcitz https://www.webcitz.com/website-maintenance/wordpress-maintenance.html $1500
WP Services Canada www.wpservices.com $5940
Arete Software Canada www.aretesoftware.ca $3600
Axiom Solutions Canada axiomsolutions.ca $1319.88
Globe Sign Canada www.globesign.com $4788
WP Supporters Neatherlands www.wpsupporters.com €3,552
WP Web Infotech wpwebinfotech.com $27588
Hellmedia Marketing Canada https://hellmedia.marketing/ $2340
ITI Hosting Canada itihosting.ca $22788
Maintainn Canada maintainn.com $479.4
Leading Edge Info Solutions leadingedgeinfosolutions.com $1380
Explo-Media Canada www.explo-media.com $460