Beginner Tutorial Importing Photoshop Raw Files: ACR Adobe Camera Raw

by | Apr 11, 2020 | 0 comments

Beginner Tutorial Importing Photoshop Raw Files: ACR Adobe Camera Raw

by | Apr 11, 2020 | Adobe Photoshop Tutorials | 0 comments

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial –


We have sourced some of the best Adobe Photoshop Tutorials online for both advanced and beginner users.

Lesson 3 from the full Adobe Photoshop Beginner to Master Series.
In lesson three we will cover how to open images in Photoshop, how to create new custom-sized documents in Photoshop and how to import/open a camera raw image file in Photoshop via Lightroom, or ACR (Adobe Camera Raw).
See the entire Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Beginner to Master series lesson index at
