Digital Advertising Tutorials – Google Ads Call Only Campaign Tutorial (2022) [Step-by-Step] Adwords

by | Feb 27, 2022 | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials – Google Ads Call Only Campaign Tutorial (2022) [Step-by-Step] Adwords

by | Feb 27, 2022 | Digital Advertising | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials

Some of the best digital advertising tutorials online.

In this video, I will show you how to set up and run a Google Ads call-only campaign.

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos.

Call-only ads are fantastic for businesses new to google ads. These ads allow businesses to generate phone call leads without having to set up a website or professional landing pages.


Credit to original author (click on youtube video for more info).