Digital Advertising Tutorials – Google Adwords What is Google Keyword Planner Impotent Tips * 2023

by | Oct 7, 2022 | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials – Google Adwords What is Google Keyword Planner Impotent Tips * 2023

by | Oct 7, 2022 | Digital Advertising | 0 comments

Digital Advertising Tutorials

Some of the best digital advertising tutorials online.

The Google Keyword Planner is a marketing tool that helps the user generate keywords and then comes up with the top-five keyword suggestions based on search volume, keyword competition, and other factors.

The Google Keyword Planner tool is an excellent way to find keywords with higher search volumes in order to get better results for your PPC campaigns. The more traffic a keyword has, the more likely it will produce higher results for your website. Google Adwords What is Google Keyword Planner Impotent Tips

Basically, this tool provides you with two important pieces of information:

1) how many people are searching for that keyword each month; and

2) how difficult it will be to rank for that keyword (i.e., its competitiveness).

For example, if you type in “jewelry store” into the planner’s search bar, it will show you these two pieces of information: 40 searches per month (on average) and medium difficulty level (it’s not too difficult or easy).

The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is a tool that helps you find the right keywords to use when you are creating your ads.

The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is not just for finding keywords though – this tool can also help you find out if your competitors are using certain keywords, learn more about which keywords get higher search volume, and figure out how competitive a particular industry might be.

Section topic: What Does a Digital Agency Do?

Section keywords: what does digital agency do, list of digital agencies, best digital agencies

Introduction: The digital agency does not create social media campaigns or develop websites. The digital agency’s goal is to provide the top-notch marketing strategies for their clients by combining the power of social media and website development with other forms of marketing such as email marketing and SEO. They focus on creating customised strategies for each client so as to maximise their effectiveness in terms of return on investment. Furthermore, they provide services like


Credit to original author (click on youtube video for more info).