Digital Advertising Tutorials
Some of the best digital advertising tutorials online.
How To Promote Youtube Channel,Web Site, App With Google Ads How To Boost Video,How to promote Video
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Do you want to learn how to promote your youtube channel with google ads? Ok then, in this video we’ll teach you how to promote youtube channel on google ads, and you’ll be able to run youtube campaign on your own. This is basically going to be a google ads tutorial. Because many of you don’t know how to run youtube ads. Everyone want to boost their youtube videos, but they are not aware of how to boost youtube video views. This will help you to promote youtube video of yours. But first, to promote my youtube channel with google ads, I should have a deep knowledge on how to run video ads on youtube. And here comes kolkata youtuber Rohan Nag. As a famous Bengali youtuber Rohan Nag often gets questions like how do i promote my youtube video on google ads from his followers, or like how to run ads on youtube channel. So that’s why he made this google ads tutorial for you all. This tutorial will answer all your questions related to how to promote youtube videos with google ads or how to run ads in youtube. #promotevideo #googleads #techdurjoy
Credit to original author (click on youtube video for more info).