Do It Yourself – Tutorials – Tetris pendant diamond painting tutorial – make your own using spare leftover diamonds. Easy project

by | Jun 18, 2021 | 0 comments

Do It Yourself – Tutorials – Tetris pendant diamond painting tutorial – make your own using spare leftover diamonds. Easy project

by | Jun 18, 2021 | Do It Yourself - Build Your Own Website | 0 comments

Do It Yourself – Website Tutorials

Quick and easy diamond making project to use your spare leftover diamonds.

What you will need:

Pendant base –

Mammoth tape –

Spare diamonds
diamond pen and pink wax
A chart

Please note : the links above are to help you find the needed products but a search on Amazon may give a lower price.

I hope you find this video useful and interesting to see how to make your own pendant.

To see updates in between the YouTube videos, go to my StoneMagpie Facebook page. Please do find me there and follow for more information. I love to see your current projects and ideas.

As I am working on diamond painting projects (as we know, this craft is perfect for mindfulness and relaxation) I’m finding that I’m having lots of new ideas for my channel which I hope to share with you in the future. This channel was never intended to be a place for me to show off and talk about myself and what I’m doing, I always envisaged it to be a place for community and to share tips and tricks, discuss projects together and share ideas. Watch this space as my channel evolves – please consider subscribing (it’s free) and hit the like button as this really helps get my channel noticed and gathers momentum for us to all share in this amazing craft. Thank you to everyone who has Subscribed, every one of you is appreciated.

Have fun with your diamond painting.

