Gravity Forms + Paypal Standard – Taking Payments On Complex Forms on a WordPress Website

by | Apr 10, 2020 | 0 comments

Gravity Forms + Paypal Standard – Taking Payments On Complex Forms on a WordPress Website

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Free Wordpress Plugins | 0 comments

You’ve probably seen Paypal buttons and simple contact forms on websites, but what about combining the two? You can take payments on your website using Paypal Standard (free) and the Gravity Forms plugin for WordPress (not free). This allows you to create complex forms to collect a lot of information from your clients and customers while also attaching payments to the form via Paypal.

This is in contrast to putting a Paypal button on your site where you can only add a few options to the standard info you’ll receive like name, email, and shipping address.

Here’s the Paypal button I reference in the video:

Gravity Forms:

