How To Change Facebook Link Preview for WordPress Posts & Pages

by | Apr 19, 2020 | 0 comments

How To Change Facebook Link Preview for WordPress Posts & Pages

by | Apr 19, 2020 | Free Wordpress Plugins | 0 comments

If you have ever posted a link to your #Wordpress website on Facebook, you may have noticed that the link preview that shows up doesn’t look great.

One of my clients asked me how to change the way link previews show up when shared on social media. I’m sure many of you have experienced the same problem.

Her question was: “Hi David, do you know how can I get Facebook to show some pretty photo from this page when I share a link instead of just a boring cut off logo?”

The good news is, there is a simple way to fix link previews and thumbnails and even specify the title and description that go with it.

You can fix your Facebook link previews it in a matter of minutes using a free WordPress plugin called Yoast SEO:

After installing it on your WordPress site, simply scroll to the bottom of a page or post to update the Facebook preview to the way you want it to look.

You can change:
1. Facebook preview title
2. Facebook preview description
3. Facebook preview image

It’s important to know that Facebook may still use the old preview, even after updating. To fix this and inform Facebook about the updated link preview, head to the Facebook Debugger Tool:

Then paste the link you want to update into the URL field and hit ‘Debug’. Facebook will now scrape your page again and look for an updated image, title and description.

From now on, Facebook will display your new link preview wherever it is shared.

As always, let me know if you need any help or post any questions you have in the comments below. 🙌

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Save yourself valuable time and headspace with my FREE Facebook Blueprint For Business – How to completely automate your social media & never worry about posting again:

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To your success,

#socialmedia #facebook #marketingtips #davidleeschneider
