How to Enable WordPress on Webuzo Admin Panel

by | Apr 25, 2020 | 0 comments

How to Enable WordPress on Webuzo Admin Panel

by | Apr 25, 2020 | Free Wordpress Plugins | 0 comments

Enabling WordPress on Webuzo Admin Panel is Easy, simply log into your Webuzo Admin using port 2004 and follow the instruction in the video.

Also, make sure your dependencies are installed and activated
Click on Advanced Settings and on Services to check those dependencies available, on the search bar make a search for other needed dependencies and install them.

To Set Up Self Hosted Email Solution:
Go to
Then Click on Register
Activate Your Account and request Installation of the Email solution ______________________________________________________________________

List of Recommended VPS servers:

1. Contabo: Virtual Private Servers and Dedicated Servers (SSD Solutions)

2. NameCheap: Virtual Private Servers and Dedicated Servers (SSD Solutions)

3. Dynadot: Domain Registrar (My Recommended)

4. Getresponse: Email Services Provider that has been rendering valuable email solutions for more than 20 years

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Who is Fetuga Mojeed Olalekan?
Mojeed Fetuga is a Web Developer and a Digital Marketer who builds Web-based Marketing Solution; Website, Social Media Channels, and Run Ads Campaign Via Facebook and Google Ads.

[email protected]
