How To Make a Social Media Website with WordPress

by | May 1, 2020 | 0 comments

How To Make a Social Media Website with WordPress

by | May 1, 2020 | Free Wordpress Plugins | 0 comments

In this video I show you how to create your own Social Media website in WordPress that looks like Facebook and has a lot of the same functionalities.

You can add sidebar widgets that show your profile and overview menu, the latests members, most used hashtags, latest photo’s. I will show you how to change the colors in your website for if you want to change the look and feel. You also can work with a dark layout.

We will work with a lot of additions for the Peepso plugin. Like Adding Photo’s, Video’s. Adding a chat functionality, work with friendships in your community, create groups, polls and so much more!

I will show you how to reward active visitors with points and badges based on their behaviour so they can grow their status and I will show you how people can buy things on your website with the points they earn. In that way your community members are motivated to be active on your website.

Ofcourse we will talk about monetising your social media website so you can make a living from it and how to optimise everything for all devices. When you follow this video step by step you will have an amazing social media website.

I want to be upfront with you. The theme and plugin we will use in this tutorial are premium. And I have a coupon code that will give you a 20% discount!

Example website:
Peepso plugin:
My Facebook page:
Follow my private life:

00:00:10 Overview of what we will cover
00:02:08 Get a domain name and webhosting

00:06:22 Install WordPress
00:09:01 Clean up your WordPress website
00:10:24 Optimise your linkstructure
00:10:55 Edit your profile
00:12:51 Create your site name

00:13:49 Install the free Peepso plugin
00:15:59 Configure your Profile
00:17:38 Complete Your Profile
00:20:16 Change the Look and feel of your website
00:20:50 Add a few free widgets

The Gecko Theme
00:21:23 Get the Gecko Theme and Peepso Ultimate Bundle
00:23:27 Install the Gecko Theme
00:24:49 Configure the Gecko them and the Peepso plugin

Configure the website
00:25:27 Create a menu
00:27:20 Adjust the right sidebar
00:29:10 Add the Peepso user bar
00:30:15 Add the Latest Members widget
00:31:49 Add the hashtags widget
00:32:54 Add the Photo Plugin
00:35:12 Add the Photo widget
00:36:13 Add a Recent Photos widget

00:37:08 Configure the homepage
00:38:09 Enlarge your User menu
00:38:40 Remove the user bar
00:40:25 Use Hashtags in your website
00:42:29 Add an advertisement
00:43:49 More plugins
00:44:11 How to become a member
00:46:08 How to respond to a post
00:48:19 Add giphys to your feed
00:49:35 Add the friendship plugin
00:52:40 Hashtags, community and search

More plugins
00:55:47 The Chat Plugin
00:58:32 Add Necessary Plugins
01:01:19 Configure The Chat Plugin

Configure The Website Further
01:05:11 Your Logo
01:06:03 The Colors
01:09:01 The Layout
01:10:09 The Header
01:12:08 Widget Styles
01:13:18 Peepso Colors
01:14:10 The Menu
01:15:14 Configure The Profile Page
01:19:17 User Limits
01:25:00 Create Groups
01:30:38 Add Polls

01:32:41 Configure the Registration Page
01:35:54 Get free images at

01:38:45 Use a point system to encourage involvement
01:44:57 Assign Badges to Points
01:47:13 Assign badges to tasks

01:50:06 Sell products for earned points by users
01:52:30 Change the currency of the products to points
01:55:08 Send weekly Email Digests

Peepso Configuration Settings
01:56:44 General
01:57:53 Appearance
02:00:20 Stream Posts
02:01:13 Mark Down
02:01:25 Blog Posts
02:01:29 Emails
02:01:49 Navigation
02:02:15 Live Updates
02:02:23 Advanced
