The Best WordPress Directory Listings Themes ( Plugins ) – Javo Directory
Javo Theme is a Multi-purpose Directory & Listing, WordPress Theme you can create multiple-purpose listing types ( Directory Listings, Realestate Properties, Jobs, Classifieds, Activities, Motors, Car dealer and also Trip, Traveling listings ) Partly sale – almost free directory theme
This tutorial video is introducing how to import the demo data and checklist.
( Plz email us free theme copies for YouTubers and bloggers )
0:00 Intro
00:34 Install theme
01:18 Purchase code
01:44 Check the serve status
02:37 Plugins installation
03:11 Import demo data
04:24 Import Elementor Kit
06:00 set a homepage/permalink
06:36 Map data JSON
07:20 Check List & Common issues
07:23 Post block
08:29 Map and List (result) page
08:42 Elementor generation (CSS data)
08:57 Google map API Key
10:15 404 pages
10:44 Listing type initial setting
11:41 Thank you,
#wordpress #directory #realestate #businessDirectory #jobsearch #listing #wordpressdirectory #DirectoryPlugins #DirectoryTheme #RealestateTheme #ActivityTheme #DirectorySite #OnlineBusinessDirectoryWebsite