your law firm’s website needs content.

We will review reasons for judgments and write summaries for your website that will provide not only testimonial content, but also content written specifically for search engines like Google. We also will write exclusive articles for your website that will assist you in ranking better on Google and other search engines for your services.

What We Do

We will we review your reasons for judgments and summarize them with quotes from the judge to provide additional testimonial content on your website showing the work you have done for past clients. This will not only improve your search engine ranking, but also provide website visitors with additional content to read about how great you are at what you do.

Content is the key when it comes to organic search traffic and ranking. It is also a necessity for converting website visitors to future clients.

When working with a civil litigator or personal injury law firm examples of article titles we’ve written would be “How To Sue ICBC in Vancouver”, or “How Much Should You Expect From An Insurance Claim”, when we work with Family Lawyers articles have been written such as “How to prepare for a family court trial”, and “How to prepare evidence for your family custody hearing”.


We are a small team of both a Digital Marketing Specialist with over 20 years in web development and legal research credential, and a paralegal with over 10 years experience across multiple areas of Law.

Our prices are affordable, and we handle everything for you from writing the content to actually adding it to your website.

Contact Us Today

Contact Us if you are interested in discussing any of the services we provide!

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