search engine optimization tips – Facebook Business Page – 15 optimization tips

by | Dec 11, 2017 | 0 comments

search engine optimization tips – Facebook Business Page – 15 optimization tips

by | Dec 11, 2017 | seo tips | 0 comments

Facebook Business Page – 15 optimization tips

Search Engine Optimization Tips

15 tips to optimize your Facebook Business page .

In this video, I will show you 15 Tips to help your business be found on Facebook.

Each tip will also cover technical specifications and step by step instructions.

Below is the breakdown of each tip covered in this tutorial. Click on the time link to jump right to the ones you want to watch

Tip n#1: Add the right Profile picture to your page (1:16)
Add a profile picture that reflects

Tip n#2: Add a cover photo (1:47)
Use your Cover photo to showcase your business

Tip n#3: Add a short description to your page (2:56)
Use a short description to describe who you are and what you do in 255 characters

Tip n#4: Add a long description to your page (3:21)
Add a long description to describe your business in more depth including keywords

Tip n#5: Add a description to your cover photo (4:00)
Another opportunity to add more copy and more relevant keywords in relation to your business

Tip n#6: Add a link to your website (4:38)
Help visitors find your website

Tip n#7: Select the right business category (5:18)
Choose the most relevant categories for your business to be found

Tip n#8: create a custom URL or Vanity URL (5:47)
Create a customer friendly URL for your facebook business page

Tip n#9: Add a call to action button to your page (6:34)
Convert your visitors into leads or full on customers

Tip n#10: Add Page Tabs to Promote Your Products or Services (7:10)
Sell your product and services directly from your page

Tip n#11: Pin your most important posts at the top of your page (7:42)
Make your most important post stick at the top of your page

Tip n#12: Start Posting videos (8:22)
The importance of videos on your page

Tip n#13: Create video playlist (8:42)
Create videos playlists to give add more content

Tip n#14: Enable reviews (9:50)
Build credibility and start collecting positive reviews for your business

Tip n#15: Measure your progress (10:46)
Continue improving your page by paying attention to your performance

Thanks for watching

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15 tips to optimize your Facebook Business page .

In this video, I will show you 15 Tips to help your business be found on Facebook.

Each tip will also cover technical specifications and step by step instructions.

Below is the breakdown of each tip covered in this tutorial. Click on the time link to jump right to the ones you want to watch

Tip n#1: Add the right Profile picture to your page (1:16)
Add a profile picture that reflects

Tip n#2: Add a cover photo (1:47)
Use your Cover photo to showcase your business

Tip n#3: Add a short description to your page (2:56)
Use a short description to describe who you are and what you do in 255 characters

Tip n#4: Add a long description to your page (3:21)
Add a long description to describe your business in more depth including keywords

Tip n#5: Add a description to your cover photo (4:00)
Another opportunity to add more copy and more relevant keywords in relation to your business

Tip n#6: Add a link to your website (4:38)
Help visitors find your website

Tip n#7: Select the right business category (5:18)
Choose the most relevant categories for your business to be found

Tip n#8: create a custom URL or Vanity URL (5:47)
Create a customer friendly URL for your facebook business page

Tip n#9: Add a call to action button to your page (6:34)
Convert your visitors into leads or full on customers

Tip n#10: Add Page Tabs to Promote Your Products or Services (7:10)
Sell your product and services directly from your page

Tip n#11: Pin your most important posts at the top of your page (7:42)
Make your most important post stick at the top of your page

Tip n#12: Start Posting videos (8:22)
The importance of videos on your page

Tip n#13: Create video playlist (8:42)
Create videos playlists to give add more content

Tip n#14: Enable reviews (9:50)
Build credibility and start collecting positive reviews for your business

Tip n#15: Measure your progress (10:46)
Continue improving your page by paying attention to your performance

Thanks for watching

Don’t forget to subscribe for more tips and tricks

For the latest marketing tools for your local business, go to:

Boost your visibility with my free guide: 10 awesome marketing tips

You can also follow me on Facebook
