WordPress For Beginners – How To Customize Sidebar in WordPress || WordPress English Course

by | Mar 28, 2020 | 0 comments

WordPress For Beginners – How To Customize Sidebar in WordPress || WordPress English Course

by | Mar 28, 2020 | Wordpress Tutorials for Beginners | 0 comments

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#CustomizeSidebar #WordPress #Course

This video and text tutorial will teach you how to customize WordPress widgets, including how to edit your WordPress sidebar.

In WordPress, a widget is a draggable piece of functionality that goes into a specific widget area. Historically, WordPress widgets were the way you controlled and customized your site’s sidebar, and sidebars are still the most common place for WordPress widget areas. Now, homepages, headers, footers, and more may also contain widget areas that can be customized using widgets.

How to Move, Change, and Edit Your Sidebar Widgets in WordPress

And that’s how to edit your WordPress sidebar and your site’s other widget areas! If you want to know more in-depth how to customize WordPress sidebars, widgets, and widget areas—including how to write new widgets and widget areas using PHP—our course on the subject can help:
